Journey to Omega
Take a thought provoking metaphysical journey from ordinary reality. Explore a new paradigm of scientific philosophy and discover the eternal, infinite, unified consciousness that creates our universe. Begin the trip destroying the foundations of reality then build a new world with a unique twist. Turn onto a spiritual path paved with love and forgiveness. Glimpse our unified destination.
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Author of Kim and Journey to Omega, Ron lives in rural Tennessee. His writing explores his unique fundamental scientific, metaphysical, and spiritual philosophy.
By 2112, most of humanity lives in a world of shared abundance. But a once great nation, America, has fallen into isolation and oppression. Will these freedom seeking gay explorers help America move beyond the dominant fundamentalism that upholds the belief in inequality and scarcity? Will America accept the new paradigm offered by The World Federation, or will there be war? This futuristic thriller is sprinkled with some Journey to Omega flavor.
Paperback available
at Createspace - click here
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Ronald Fife

Journey to Omega

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Facebook page

Paperback available
at Createspace - click here
~ Read Excerpt ~
Ron reads excerpt from Kim.

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